Auto insurance license agents (known as Property and Casualty agents in insurance-speak) help match individuals with policies that match their needs and state laws requiring drivers to be insured. CPMI has been helping prospective insurance producers like you to become licensed agents since 1998. Our easy-to-use, state approved licensing materials help to quickly and comfortably cover the information necessary for the insurance license examination. Property and Casualty insurance licensing basics are covered thoroughly and concisely in our straightforward, self-learning programs.
Test Simulator - Property and Casualty pre-licensing course materials available on an easy to use computer program format. Our Test Simulator package provides the essentials for both insurance basics and state law.
In order to provide policies of coverage for property and casualty insurance (auto insurance licenses), an individual usually is required to demonstrate to their state Department or Commissioner of Insurance that they have passed an approved licensing course like those offered by CPMI Professional Development.
Even in those states where proof of passing a course may not be required, CPMI can provide you with the materials you need to easily learn the car insurance license exam (Property and Casualty) material from the comfort of your own home or office, without having to base your study around the schedule of another licensing school or teacher.
Individuals considering becoming licensed to provide insurance should look into one of our many insurance licensing courses.